First steps

First of all, we need to install anaconda (conda).

After downloaded the anaconda install script, run it with bash (remember to run it without sudo).

⚠️ It isn't advisable to run conda scripts with sudo.

Just follow the installer steps and finish the install.

Once downloaded and installed, create an environment with python 3.7.

Then, activate your recently created environment, running: # source activate open3d-1

Useful tips about managing yours virtual environments with conda:

Useful tips

Installing Jupyter Notebook

As our IDE, we're going to use the Jupyter Notebook. We are going to use conda for installing jupyter notebook: conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab

Once installed, launch JupyterLab with: jupyter-lab

With Jupyter installed, we need to enable our environment to Jupyter Notebook. To do so, we're going to execute: